Meet The Face Behind Spark Theory Innovations

Author: Spark Theory Innovations | | Categories: Business Development , Career Opportunities , Marketing Agency

Meet The Face Behind Spark Theory Innovations

I’m Hausan Massey, the proud owner of Spark Theory Innovations.

I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.

I was looking for an opportunity to achieve both personal and professional growth while being my own boss. So, I decided to join a direct sales and marketing company after searching for jobs on Indeed. 

Since getting into the business two years ago, I’ve noticed that some of my clients are developing new products and innovative technology. Therefore, I feel now is an excellent time to grow on a larger scale.

Passionate And Persistent

My belief is that anyone can get as far as they want as long as they’re willing to put in the work. Therefore, I’m persistent and what sets me apart is that I take accountability for my actions. I’m also passionate about continuous improvement and learning from my failures.

In addition, I attribute my success to building a strong rapport with my team. It includes promoting a fun, inclusive culture of teamwork and sharing my experiences with them. 

As a result, it fills me with immense satisfaction when I can witness my team flourish. Knowing that I played a significant part in their development is rewarding. I’m also glad that I’ve been able to improve my family’s financial position. My brother passed away in 2016, and he would have been proud of my achievements.

Music To The Ears

When I’m not brainstorming in the boardroom, I love music. I used to be on a dance team throughout high school, and while I don’t shake a leg as much now, I still enjoy all things music. 

I have enjoyed sharing my story about the things which matter to me and how they influence the way I do business.

If you or someone you know could benefit from my expertise as the promoter of a direct sales and marketing company in Texas, I invite you to contact me. Please call (915) 236-1246, or if you would like to join my team, you can email your resumé and cover letter to

